Step into a world where comedy, juggling, and the roaring 20s collide, presented by our dynamic duo of Jugglers, Dancers, and Entertainers. This act revives the stylistic spirit of early twentieth-century Italian American Mob culture, all with a comedic twist and a touch of elegance straight out of the 1920s.
Dressed in finely tailored suits, reminiscent of the era's gangsters, these entertainers offer a unique, interactive, and roaming comedy act. They arrive in a hilariously miniature car that looks like it’s been lifted straight from the pages of The Great Gatsby, blending the charm of Bugsy Malone with the zaniness of Wacky Races.
This visually stunning drive-by comedy provides the perfect roaming entertainment for a wide array of events. Whether it’s basking in the summer sun or adding flair to an outdoor gathering, this act is a hit with audiences of all ages, promising family-friendly fun and engagement.
Once they've caught the crowd's attention with their eye-catching miniature car, the Roaming 1920s Comedy Gangsters pick the perfect spot to hop out and immerse the audience in interactive entertainment. From juggling and swing dancing to vintage circus tricks and comedy capers, they keep the fun rolling. All the while, a themed soundtrack plays from their car, setting the mood and transporting guests back in time.
Ideal for a variety of events, including car rallies, vintage parties, festivals, family celebrations, motoring events, themed functions, transport festivals, steam fairs, and Gatsby-themed parties, this comedy act adds a unique flavour and interactive entertainment that guests will remember and talk about long after the event has concluded. Let these Roaming 1920s Comedy Gangsters bring a touch of historical hilarity and lively entertainment to your next event.
Walkabout Act - 3 x 30 minutes sets
Stage Act - 10 minutes
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