Step into the enchanting realm of the Snow Queen and her magical snow globe, where awe and wonder captivate guests of all ages. With a grace that enchants, she glides through events, weaving her unique brand of magic, leaving cherished memories in her wake.
As you encounter her ethereal presence, she inspires engagement through friendly glances, warm smiles, gentle waves, or the tender touch of her ivory hand against the crystal globe. Curiosity is piqued as you notice the big, beckoning red button, waiting for an adventurous soul to press it and summon a spectacular blizzard, transforming her world into a winter wonderland.
Immersed in beautiful melodies and bathed in gentle, illuminating lights, the Snow Queen becomes the centre of attention, casting her spell on all who gaze upon her. Time seems to stand still, and ordinary activities pause as she weaves her magic, eliciting joyous sounds of "oohs" and "ahhs" from the captivated crowds.
Experiencing the mystical Snow Queen leaves an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to witness her enchanting presence. This act is perfect for family-friendly gatherings, making a big and visual impact in dense crowds at 2.25m high. It is uniquely suited for corporate and private party meet-and-greet entertainment, effective during both daytime and evening performances. Waterproof and illuminated, the Snow Queen can perform even in the rain, making her a versatile choice for any setting.
Her snow globe is self-contained and perfect for social media engagement, accompanied by an experienced steward to ensure smooth operation. Join the dance of magic within the embrace of the Snow Queen's enchanting snow globe and create lasting memories that sparkle like winter frost.
2 x 45 minute sets OR 3 x 30 minute sets
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