Introducing "Progress," the ideal Shadow Show that resonates with audiences of all backgrounds and ages, offering a captivating journey through the annals of human achievement and technological advancement.
"Progress" unfolds with an enthralling narrative where the main character becomes absorbed into a book, setting off on a mesmerising voyage through time. Watch in awe as performers use their bodies to craft vivid images that trace the path from past milestones to future possibilities. The journey covers an array of historical landmarks and innovations—from the simplicity of a horse-drawn cart to the complexities of space travel.
As the narrative sweeps through the ages, viewers witness the evolution of technology. Scenes depict the Egyptian Sphinx, Newton's apple of gravity, the chug of steam engines, serene windmills, the hustle of modern cars, the leap of aeroplanes, and ultimately, a breathtaking moonwalk. The show then pivots to the digital age, showcasing a dynamic 'Minority Report'-style interactive screen that illustrates cutting-edge technological advancements.
The performance peaks as acrobats execute stunning tumbles and form a human pyramid to spell out the word "INSPIRE" in a powerful visual metaphor, emphasising the show’s message before the word vanishes in an instant.
The finale returns the protagonist to the real world, holding a glowing orb—a symbol of potential and future possibilities. This mesmerising dance with the orb leaves audiences spellbound as the stage darkens, concluding a performance that not only celebrates our historical progress but also ignites excitement for future innovations.
Accompanied by a stirring soundtrack, "Progress" ensures that each viewer leaves inspired, pondering the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. The enthusiastic reactions from past audiences are a testament to its impact.
This versatile show is perfectly suited for a variety of themes and industries such as Communications, Travel, Teamwork, Connectivity, Automobile, Aviation, Innovation, Design, Engineering, and Product Launches, making it an ideal choice for any event looking to inspire and energise its attendees.
11 minute show with bows.
We can provide an edited version of the show to suit your vision or a Bespoke Show to suit your own theme/storyline
1 x 20/30 second scene towards the finale of the show adapted to reference and showcase the client's vision/theme/product. This can be presented either in the 20 second ‘Minority Report’ section of the show where the main character manipulates, zooms and scans across different images on a large screen. Or we can make a new section according to the client’s vision. A company logo can feature as the final image.
Your MD/compere is also welcome to play a small part in the show towards the end.
We provide the screen, projector, black drapes to conceal the stage area and temporary flooring to go over the stage.
We don't provide the stage, sound system or sound technician.
View all of our reviews here.